Written by M. Sean High—Staff Attorney
On January 17, 2017, the Center for Agricultural and
Shale Law posted two new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Safety
Modernization Act (FSMA) guidance documents on the Center’s FSMA
Library Guide.
The first document posted is entitled Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff: Third-Party
Certification Body Accreditation for Food Safety Audits: Model Accreditation
Standards. The resource contains nonbinding
recommendations regarding FDA’s “voluntary program for the accreditation of
third-party certification bodies, also known as auditors, to conduct food
safety audits and issue certifications of foreign facilities and the foods for
humans and animals they produce.”
According to FDA, “[t]hese requirements will help ensure the competence
and independence of the accreditation bodies and third-party certification
bodies participating in the program.”
The second document posted is entitled Draft Guidance for Industry: Control of
Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-To-Eat Foods. According to FDA, the draft guidance is
intended for those subject to regulation 21 CFR part 117, entitled Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard
Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food, and for those “who
manufacture, process, pack, or hold ready-to-eat (RTE) foods.” The document is
not for implementation and is being distributed for comment purposes only.
According to FDA the “guidance is not directed to
processors of RTE foods that receive a listericidal control measure applied to
the food in the final package, or applied to the food just prior to packaging
in a system that adequately shields the product and food contact surfaces of
the packaging from contamination from the food processing environment.” FDA
stated that “the guidance also is not intended for food establishments that are
not subject to part 117, such as farms.”
The Center for Agricultural and Shale Law's FSMA Library Guide is intended to represent a collection of legal resources relating to FSMA and FDA food and safety regulations. To view the FSMA Library Guide, please click here.
The Center for Agricultural and Shale Law's FSMA Library Guide is intended to represent a collection of legal resources relating to FSMA and FDA food and safety regulations. To view the FSMA Library Guide, please click here.
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